Monday, June 01, 2009

Back from Hiatus

Hello hello. I wasn't expecting to be so blog-deprived for this long! I got caught up with finals and twitter was simply so much more easier to keep up with. ;]

Currently, I feel that I've been living life with a lack of purpose. Of course, until today. You see, it's been reading for leisure, playing video games, and... sleep? It's been nice, but where's the greater incentive to it all? I don't see my life moving forward from all of this. But today. I went to my "internship" and we finally laid everything out. It'll be an extensive 4 weeks, but it'll whip me into better shape within the field of graphic design and visual communication. I'm excited, but also scared.

I also heard back from another internship I applied to with a health clinic, where I will be assisting with their marcomm biz. I need to go in for an interview... but granting I passed the phone interview, my chances aren't so dampened. ...right? I think it'll be exciting to commute a bit, and considering that it's only an internship (aka not permanent), I won't be too bored or start disliking work too, too soon.

So there. My summer has suddenly turned a 180 and I'm in for some jam-packed days, even if I don't get the health clinic internship. Wish me luck... with whatever comes my way :]